Mobile Devices

The use of cellphones or personal mobile devices during the school day at Gulf Middle is a privilege.  The policy at Gulf Middle for the use of such devices during the school day remains - that the device is to be turned off and put away.  However, there may be times in which a teacher permits the use of such devices for instructional purposes.  In such cases, all students must:

(a) Use only the District specified WiFi network for all network and internet access and refrain from destroying or damaging District data, networks or other resources.
(b) Use all District internet filters and posted network security practices.
(c) Report network security risks or violations of network security to a school administrator.
(d) Refrain from creating ad-hoc, peer-to-peer, or other wireless networks with District or student owned devices including the use of wireless hotspots or other similar devices.
(e) Use the District network for instructional and school related purposes only.
(f) Follow copyright laws which prohibit the reproduction of content, eBooks, music, games or movies.
(g) Refrain from intentionally accessing, transmitting, copying or creating mobile apps, websites or other material that contains inappropriate information, content, advertisements or any material that is illegal, not age appropriate or inappropriate for a school environment.
(h) Comply with School Board Policy 2.20, Acceptable Use Policy Governing Internet and Technology Access.

Failure to follow the directives outlined above will result in appropriate disciplinary consequences as outlined in the Code of Conduct for Students. Students that bring personal mobile electronic devices to school do so at their own risk. The District accepts no responsibility if a device is lost, stolen, misplaced, damaged or confiscated. The District accepts no responsibility for viruses, malware or other computer related issues associated with connecting to the District’s network. The District accepts no responsibility for the costs associated with or that may result from the use of data or texting services by a student when using a personal mobile electronic device. Students are responsible for charging and maintaining their personal mobile electronic device(s) and the District assumes no responsibility for same. This includes the use of anti-malware software, if applicable, on the personal mobile electronic device.  
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